Understanding our curriculum

Understanding the curriculum of our school education helps a lot to get a clear picture of our education.

It aims to ensure that all children  develop the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need to flourish in life, learning and work which  will allow them to demonstrate four key capacities , helping children to become Successful learners, Confident individuals,Responsible citizens, Effective contributors.
Curriculum means fulfilling certain purpose or objective or it may be bunch of lesson plans, and a delivery mechanism. Or it may be the techniques and tools that's used in teaching like educational materials.
Actually, it's from the word "curere", a Latin word meaning "running a race", or "race course". Curriculum means the different kinds of action, deeds, and experiences that is provided for students in their learning process, for the child's growth and development. And it can be seen as a term that encompasses all planned and unplanned experiences that is provided in an educational institution like school. It is about anything and everything around us that provides an opportunity for learning.
So, curriculum can be like everything that we sense around us, we feel, that provides us some kind of experience that allows us to grow in some ways. It is very much education institution based, and it is streamlined and directed to fulfil certain needs of the government or the community.
Based on the needs, the curriculum is designed and implemented accordingly. Curriculum at this micro perspective level, it is considered more of a plan of action for learning. So, it is reduced to a formal written document that systematically describes the course of study that is appropriate with the educational level. It includes all the different subjects, courses, learning objectives, skills, knowledge and values that need to be instilled in the children and the content, learning outcomes or experiences and evaluation formats and procedures.
Road Map:
Curriculum can also be seen as a framework in an educational context that shapes and guides teaching learning process. It is a kind of road map that is given to teachers to follow through.
There are three major questions in curriculum.
 What knowledge, creative and critical thinking skills and values are most worthwhile?
How should they be imparted to the children so that it will bring about the experience in them?
And what kind of changes in behaviour is happening?
"Curriculum" or/ and "Syllabus"?
There is actually a source of confusion when we come to the terms "curriculum" and "syllabus". Most often, people use these two terms interchangeably but there is a difference between the two.
Curriculum refers to a more comprehensive educational package involving the conceptualization, planning, designing and detailing of a comprehensive learning program for the benefit of deploying it in the schools. So, it is the bigger idea, the bigger goal, objective of teaching learning in an institution. Example: Elementary school curriculum. It is based on the need for the different kinds of knowledge, skills and values that children attending an elementary school should possess. The subjects, formal and informal learning and co-curricular experiences are planned, accordingly.
The components that we could find in a syllabus are
·         the objectives of the subject,
·         the planned content or the coverage of the subject matter,
·         teaching techniques and strategies,
·         the learning outcome and the learning activities
·         and finally the evaluation methods and procedures.
Children and young people need opportunities for achievements both in the classroom and beyond, giving them a sense of satisfaction and building motivation, resilience and confidence.
Added to this, because children learn through all of their experiences - in the family and community, pre-school centre, nursery and school - the curriculum aims to recognise and complement the contributions that these experiences can make.

Lastly, the experiences and outcomes are an essential component of  curriculum and apply wherever learning is planned.  They signpost progression in learning and set challenging standards that will equip children to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
